Labels:book | bulletin board | crt screen | monitor | poster | reckoner | sky | windowpane OCR: TIFF 5.0 We will nw describe these stuctures in more detail Image file header A TIFF File begins with an g-byle image header, containing the following informauon: Bytes0-1: The tust word of the file specifies the byte pesn within I the file. Legal values are: TT (hex 4949) "MM Shex 4D4D) In the. "I" format hyte order always from least significant 10 most significant. for both 16 bit and 32-bit interers In the "MM" format, byte order always from most signifkcamt L5 least significant. for both 16. -it and 32 -bit intcgers. in both formats character strings a1e stored into scquential byte locations AHTIFF readers shoutd tuoddrs both byte orders Appendix G Rytes 2-3 second word of the filc is the TIFF 'version number. This number 42 {2A in her).is be eqnated with the Revision of the TIFF speci ...